Életmód: Egy tea a kánikula kínjainak enyhítésére

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Vágynál valamire, ami enyhíti a hőséget, ami szinte már belülről éget? Nem tudod magad kipihenni a hőség miatt? Úgy érzed, az idegrendszered szép lassan összeomlik, ha sokáig tart még ez a meleg? Nincs kedved megmozdulni sem ebben a katlanban? A verejtéktől állandóan viszket, fulladozik a bőröd? Ha igen a feleleted ezekre a kérdésekre, akkor te is tudod: gyógyír kell, hamar! Van segítség!

 A tea, amit most ajánlok neked megoldást nyújt a belső túlhevülés problémájára, így a külső hőséget is jobban fogod viselni. A teát a taoisták évszázadok óta használják a nyári hőség ártalmai ellen és a közérzetük javítására, az erejük fokozására, az Életerő áramlásának akadálytalanná tételére, a Máj méregtelenítésére, a szív működésének javítására, hasfájásra, irritábilis bél szindrómára, lázra, fejfájásra, napszúrásra. Ez a tea egy igazi, valódi nyári elsősegély! Valódi segítség. A neve: Momordica Charantea. Olyan fontos növény, hogy megérdemli, megtanuljuk a kínai nevét is: liang gua 涼瓜、, vagy ban sheng gua 半生瓜.

Íme egy leírás róla:
Also called Bitter Melon.

Bitter in flavor, cold in nature, it is related to the spleen, stomach, heart and liver channels.

Clears heat and the evil fire of the heart, detoxifies, improves eyesight, strengthens the vital energy and sexual power. It also relieves thirst, sunstroke and carbuncles.

On account of its bitter taste, bitter gourd is relished by the Chinese as a tonic vegetable.

1. For fever in sunstroke:

Cut a bitter gourd from its middle and eliminate its pulp. Fill its cavity with green tea. Unite the 2 halves and suspend to dry in the shadow. Then boil 6-9 g each time and serve like tea.

2. For dysentery (inflammation of the intestines):

Smash a bitter gourd to make paste. Add 100 g sugar and mix thoroughly. After 2 hours, squeeze out the juice and drink it.

3. For stomachache:

Bake a bitter gourd brown until scorched and grind it as charcoal. Swallow 6-9 g with water whenever needed.

4. For impotence:

Use 50 g seeds from bitter gourd and bake dry. Grind into powder. Use 6-9 g each time, swallow with boiled water.

Dosage and Administration:
Bitter gourd is usually eaten fresh (stuffed and/or sliced), cooked in dishes, boiled in soup, or to drink its juice, but can also be pickled, and has been canned in brine.

Small and immature bitter gourd can be parboiled in salted water or rubbed with some salt to remove part of the bitterness.

Cautions on Use:
Since it is bitter in flavor, those who are weak in spleen and stomach should avoid eating it raw.

Reference Materials:

Toxic or Side Effects:

Modern Researches:
Bitter gourd contains charantin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, vitamins A and C, phosphorus, iron, some amino acids, etc.

It is a very popular plant, and has been used by natives for cancer, diabetes and many infectious diseases. It is a powerful weapon against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as reported by Eric von Wettberg.

  1. lowers blood lipids: qingzhisu (lowering lipid substances) It only acts in the small intestine where fat is absorb. It changes the screen of the intestine cells and blocks fat and the large molecules of polysaccharide thus enhances the absorption of small molecule nutrients. It does not involve with the  metabolism of the body so it does not create toxic effect. See also Toxicity & Caution item.

  2. lowers blood sugar:  the saponin of bitter melon possesses the effect of insulin and can stimulate insulin, and its lowering blood sugar effect is obvious. See above item

  3. antivirus

  4. anti-cancer

  5. anti-malaria.

  6. seed my inhibit the enzyme guanylate cyclase, which may benefit people with psoriasis

Magyarországon a következő kiszerelésben találsz rá leginkább:




Fogyaszd egészséggel és szabadulj meg a hőség kínjaitól! Egészségedre!


SiHing Hou




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Si Ho üzente 12 éve

Min az látható a charan tea jobban megfelel a kánikulai hőség kezelésére, de a gynostemma sem hiba :-)


Si Ho üzente 12 éve

A Jiaogulan is nagyon jó, de figyelembe kell venni nála is a hűtő hatást! Jó egészséget a fogyasztásához!
Annak, aki esetleg nem ismerné:

(characteristics) bitter, sweet, cold.

Channels (meridians) entered:

lung, spleen and kidney

Actions & Indications: Being used in inflammation, phlegm and cough, hypertension, liver diseases, headache, neuralgia, lower back pain, diabetes, kidney diseases, ulcer of stomach and duodenum, bronchitis, allergenic dermatitis, insomnia, constipation, gall bladder stones.

消炎解毒,袪痰止咳。高血壓,肝病,糖尿病,腎臟 病,胃及十二指腸潰瘍,頭痛,神經痛,腰 痛,支氣管炎,過敏性皮膚炎,失眠,便秘,膽結石。
Present Day Applications: Treatment of : 1. high lipid level 2.anti-aging 3. irregular heat beats of fetuses 4. chronic atrophic gastritis 5. Thrombocytopenia (low in platelets) 6. lack of white blood cells 7. for treatment of lack of white cells resulted from chemo or radiation therapy. 8. folk applications: anti-inflammation, detoxification, stopping cough and expelling phlegm, chronic bronchitis [7], 9. saponin of jiao gu lan (gypenoside) with added alcohol, some peppermint oil, and glycerine is made into hair protection lotion for preventing white hair[11] . 10. Deodorant: extract of gypenoside with added cane sugar and alcohol, after storing for 2 months, strain, and end product is yellowish green liquid. Taking orally, it can be used for body odor from the armpits.
Medical function:

藥理﹕(按 此看中文)

Medical Functions:

1. anti aging effects

improves immune system, promotes growth of the nerve cells, protects and slows the atrophy of brain cells, improve brain activities and memory.

prolong the life of cells

prolong the life animals

the anti aging functions:

2. anti stress

anti fatigue

resists lack of oxygen

resists temperature changes

3. effects on metabolism

lowers blood pressure

lowers blood sugar and improves sugar metabolism

improves protein metabolism

4. improves immune system

5. improves white blood cell count

a study using Cyclophosphamide and radiated with cobalt 60 to lower the white cells of laboratory rats. Then administered jiao gu lan to the rats. The white cell count improved. It also can improve the engulfing and ingestion of bacteria or other foreign bodies of the phagocytes.

6. anti-cancer

inhibits cancer cells of lung, liver, uterus, and melanoma tumor, and it also can help with the therapy of the cancer of the aesophagus, and it especially effective in cases of the stagnation of phlegm.

7. protects liver form toxin.

8. prevents platelet coagulation

9. prevents cardiovascular diseases

improves blood flow to brain and heart muscles, resists injuries of the heart muscles from lack of blood and oxygen. Lower lipids.

10. lowers blood sugar

11. calming effect

helps sleeping, lessens anxiety,

12. improves memory

13. other effects:

it possesses the prevention and therapy effect on back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, stiffness of shoulders, chronic bronchitis, asthma, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and can lessen the side effect of steroids.
Chemical Ingredients: 1. Saponins: more than 80 gypenosides including ginsenoside Rg , compound K, 14 alpha-methyl-5 alpha-ergosta-9 [11, 24, 24- dimethyl-5 alpha-cholest-8en--3beta-ol[16], 24, 24- dimethyl-5 alpha-cholestan-3beta-ol, 24 alpha-ethyl-5alpha-cholestan-3beta-ol [17]

2. Other ingredients: sugar, vitamins, malonic acid, flavons like: rutin, ombuin; also contains 18 kinds of amino acids and inorganic elements like iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, calcium etc.

(more to upload)


[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 12 éve

de ezt is megnézem majd


[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 12 éve

mi a jiugaolon teát isszuk saját növény 2 méteres de örök élet tea a magyar neve


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E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@network.hu